Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sean had a big day yesterday. His preschool went on a field trip to the Love Chapel which is a local food pantry and they put us to work. First, we removed labels from water bottles, added poison and laundry soap labels to the bottles and filled them with either liquid or powder laundry soap. We also sorted out plastic bags to be used for the clients to receive their food. After that was done, we sorted food and stocked the shelves with the food the kids had donated. Then we sorted large crates of Ramen Noodles into boxes that will be set on the shelves in the pantry. We learned that the pantry serves approximately 600 families a month. That was a real eye-opener to me as that seems like a huge number of families in our community that are hungry each month. It was a good field trip. I recommend if you've never volunteered at a food pantry, to consider that as an act of community service.

On the way to the field trip, I had three boys including Sean in the van. One boy asked Sean what his Wii person looks like. Sean says, "My what?". No, we do not have a Wii. The boys did learn that they both have Leapsters so they talked about that.

Afterward, Sean went home with his friend Samuel for a playdate. This was the first time he has went to a friend's house without us. Samuel's mom said they played very well. She did not have to break up any squabbles. Coincidentally, Sean and Samuel played a video game at Samuel's house. When Sean got home, he demonstrated that the game they played did not require a controller (he held his hands out and punched imaginary buttons to illustrate this). Sean waved his arm all around to show how the game was played. I told Sean that he played a Wii which was what the other boy was talking about in the van earlier.

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