Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Toys Worth Buying

Need good ideas for Christmas gifts for your kids? 

One statement I heard once but refused to believe is "Less is More."   Truer words were never spoken regarding how many toys kids really need.  Also true is that the more they have, the less they will play with any of them. 

In order to keep toys interesting, it's a good idea to rotate them every so often.  Keep a large storage container (or a few) for this purpose. 

Now for my choice of favorites for gifts.  Leapsters are a great learning toy for kids approximately ages 4 to 7.  My kids never have spent much time playing with other toys that are electronic but they love their Leapsters.  They are great for riding in the van, waiting for an appt. and so on. 

Other favorites are Legos.  Crayola Wonder coloring books and markers have gotten a lot of mileage at our house.   An assortment of board games are great also but you must be committed to taking time to sit down and play the games with the kids.  They will treasure this time with you. 

Stop by Works For Me Wednesday for more ideas on the Toys Worth Buying Edition. 


Alesha said...

I have been thinking about the Leapster for my 5 year old. Several people have reccomended this toy. This may just be under the tree for him this year. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I got a Leapster for $34 on ebay. We rotate too.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Colour Wonder & there are so many styles to choose!