In the midst of the joy that spring and the end of school brings, we have had some sad days as well.
We had to put our dog, Sam, age 14, to sleep last week. Great dog who took a part of our hearts with her.

Our homeschool community lost two moms in May. One passed away of complications from a bone marrow transplant for leukemia. The other one developed an infection around her heart that led to severe congestive heart failure and kidney failure. Both moms were 44. The latter was a single adoptive mom. Some things are just hard to understand.
The memorial service for the second one was today. I have never worn a t-shirt or anything with Mickey Mouse to a funeral before but it was her request and a fine one I might add. This afternoon, while we were at McD's and I was still wearing my t-shirt, an employee with special needs stopped me to tell me she liked my shirt. It made me think of all those people that Diana has touched with her life and service to others. Diana cared for people who were mentally disabled. Her legacy will live on through them. I am privileged to have known Diana and to have shared some good conversations and laughs. I am glad I will see her again. See you later, Diana.