Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I couldn't find our dog Sam this morning. I expected to find her huddled in her doghouse which is up next to the house. Instead, when I opened the door, I heard a rustling noise from the deck. Out she popped.
And here's a picture from a few days ago when Sean still had fever. The black fur ball on my stomach is Shadow.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sean hasn't felt very well today. I think maybe he overdid it yesterday. He still has a nasty cough and isn't eating much. I'm hoping he can go to preschool for a little while so he won't miss Circus Day when they put on a pretend circus. We have his elephant mask ready to go. I think it is pretty clever if I must say so myself. Sean and I worked on it together. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sean is doing some better. Still needs Tylenol for fever every 6 hours or so. He doesn't sound wheezy now so we have held off on the Orapred.
These are Sean's skinny pajamas. He looks skinniest in them. He did almost weigh 36 lbs. at his doctor appointment. He had been eating good before he got sick.
Breathing treatment number four today.
Friday, January 25, 2008
This time last year it was Sierra who needed the nebulizer every time we turned around, but so far this fall/winter she has not needed it at all. That is a blessing.
Pray for Sean to get over this quickly.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Bungalow Gold:
With the flash, it is hard to tell how much darker the paint is compared to the white. From the kids' artwork, you can get a better idea. We found a new chandelier for the entryway. The old one just isn't working with the darker color. By the way, it took the kids days to paint all these walls with their foam brushes but it looks great, eh?
It was really cold here today. You know it's cold when it feels warm at the ice rink. Sean has a cough and fever tonight. It may be a long night with short sleep so I'm going to turn in early.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
.... I interrupt this post to say "WoooHoooo, way to go Giants!!!!" Tynes just kicked a 47 yd. field goal to win the game in overtime of all things. After missing a couple of field goals, I bet he is very relieved to have made the long one.
So there will be a Manning in the SuperBowl two years in a row after all. Cool!! Nothing against Brett Favre, but this is neat.
Boy it is so cold there. It was something like -23 degrees wind chill factor. I bet they are glad to be heading to a much warmer climate in two weeks for the big game.
Speaking of cold, Sierra has her seasons mixed up. She has been asking to set up the swimming pool out back or to go to the pool at the park. Ummm, it's winter? So, to help her understand, I got a few books at the library on seasons. We read one tonight about summer.
Well all that Benadryl I took earlier for my cold/sinuses is kicking in so time for me to turn out the light and go night-night.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
On the way to the field trip, I had three boys including Sean in the van. One boy asked Sean what his Wii person looks like. Sean says, "My what?". No, we do not have a Wii. The boys did learn that they both have Leapsters so they talked about that.
Afterward, Sean went home with his friend Samuel for a playdate. This was the first time he has went to a friend's house without us. Samuel's mom said they played very well. She did not have to break up any squabbles. Coincidentally, Sean and Samuel played a video game at Samuel's house. When Sean got home, he demonstrated that the game they played did not require a controller (he held his hands out and punched imaginary buttons to illustrate this). Sean waved his arm all around to show how the game was played. I told Sean that he played a Wii which was what the other boy was talking about in the van earlier.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Anyone watch Cash Cab on The Discovery Channel? It's a game show played in a cab in New York City. The cab is actually a Toyota Sienna minivan with a driver who is the host of the show.
We really like to watch this show (most of the time). It is fast paced and they actually get through more than 5 questions per show and we don't have to listen to "We'll find out.... right after this!" There are commercial breaks but they aren't used to torture the viewer (me). I just do not enjoy all the reality-type game shows or the ones that go so slow that you fall asleep waiting for them to get to the good stuff.
But one thing occurred to me today. In this show, people win hundreds or possibly even a couple thousand dollars. Then when they reach their destination, they are let out on the curb in New York City of all places with a handful of cash and usually at night.
Does that seem a little scary to anyone else?
On tonight's episode, there was a woman alone who won $1750. So the driver hands her the cash and lets her out of the cab. In New York City at night alone. Yikes!
Maybe they'll start up a new reality show called "What Happened After I Got Out of the Cash Cab."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Leave me a comment and let me know if you know anything about these new Smart Cars.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Callie wanted to join Girl Scouts when she was younger but I did not let her for a couple of reasons. Well, I am beat so I am heading to bed.
Please remember Julian Avery and family in your prayers as his battle on this earth nears the end. carepage name juliansworld. If you choose to visit Julian's carepage and read past posts, you will no doubt fall in love with him and be amazed at the courage and faith his mother has as she blogs about their journey. Read the message board to witness the magnitude of the impact they have had on this world. There are so many people, myself included, who have been touched immensely by this mother. She has made us all realize how important our children are. It is easy to fall into the trap of taking things for granted -things like goodnight hugs, feeling them breathe while you hold them, touching their warm skin, tousling their hair, dancing with them. Soon, Julian will be dancing with Jesus just as he danced only a few months ago in a video with his mama.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Demolition will begin soon on the RCA Dome following the Colts loss today. I thought I'd post some pics I took of the Dome and the new Lucas Oil Stadium currently under construction. I will say that the new stadium is breathtaking just by its size alone. We were in awe of how big it is. It was a bit tricky to get pictures. One below is of the new stadium on the left with the Dome on the right just to give a size comparison.
At least there is still one Manning left in the playoffs. Congratulations to Eli and his team! We were sorry to see the Colts lose today but the Chargers certainly deserved to win that ball game. We hope Tony Dungy will return next year but that is the big question around town.
Our weekends are free for a few weeks now until NASCAR starts up again with the Daytona 500. :) That doesn't mean we will not watch the playoffs though - it just will not be as much of a priority.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Santa Revealed
In December 2007, we decided to tell the younger kids about Santa. We felt convicted about this with our kids but that is a personal choice. Sean was 5 and Sierra was 3. We were a bit apprehensive about what their reaction would be, especially Sean’s. We explained it to them as gently as we could and waited to see their reaction. Sean looks at me and says, “You mean after we go to bed, you and Daddy wrap up the presents and put them under the tree?” “Yes”, I said. He started laughing like this was the most hilarious thing he has ever heard of. He actually seemed very relieved to find this out.
The next day, he brought me his list that he had been saving for Santa. Later that day, I told him to do something and he paused for a second then said, “I am going to obey you or you might not get me anything for Christmas.” I do not think he ever believed that Santa was watching him, but he cannot deny that Mommy is watching him. He tried to play a trick on me when Santa visited our family Christmas party. After he talked to Santa, he told me that he told him he wanted a Star Wars light saber and then he just looked at me. See, the light saber was not on his list, so I think the look was to see what my reaction was. I just told him that Santa was already done shopping. Nice try.
Our biggest concern was that he would tell another child and make someone’s parents upset with us. The closest he came to doing that was when he told my niece there was something her Daddy needed to tell her about Santa.
Sierra made no comment about the whole thing. I’m not sure she’s convinced he doesn’t exist because she is still afraid of him. The other day she climbed up on my lap and said, “Ho ho ho, I’m Santa Claus.” I replied, “I am afraid of you.” Without missing a beat, she said “I’m not real, I’m bus petending.” I felt much better.
From my standpoint, telling them helped alleviate some of my Holiday stress. Now I did not have to worry about using different wrapping paper for Santa’s gifts or trying to store gifts until Christmas morning so they would not be discovered. The only thing I did for fun and tradition was to put some things in their stockings before going to bed. So, overall, we believe it was the right thing to do and the right time to do it.
This worked for me very well. For more tips at Works-For-Me-Wednesday at Rocks In My Dryer click here.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
This week in math we've been studying the area of parallelograms and triangles. So we're having a bit of trouble understanding that parallelograms are a bit different from a rectangle and have a different formula. So, with a whiteboard on her lap, I have her practice drawing parallelograms so she can show me how to get the base and height and calculate the area. In the meantime, I am on the computer searching for printable worksheets for her to practice with. I keep asking her if she is understanding it, and she says she thinks so, as she continues to draw. I take a break and go over to see her parallelograms. She had one parallelogram. From there she had drawn out a design for a bedroom including shelves on the walls, a bed, furniture, etc. Candace Olsen would have been proud. I guess next we can start learning about tangents (pun intended)? ;-)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
We are now under a flash flood warning in our county and surrounding counties:
In the northern part of the state, they have seen as much as nearly 8 inches of rain. Many homes are flooded that do not have flood insurance. Some folks have lived there as many as 50 years and have seen nothing like this. Let's keep them in our prayers.
So all this rain made me think about sampans. Callie and I have started reading a good book called The House of Sixty Fathers. In it the family has a sampan, which is basically a boat with some type of roof or covering over part of it. Here's a synopsis of the book:
Monday, January 07, 2008
Proof that we live in Indiana... current temperature is almost 60 degrees at nearly 10pm. Remember less than a week ago I was talking of freezing with the single digit temps and wind chills. Today it felt just like spring... rain and all. Sean was so confused he was ready to wear sandals and shorts to school. I did let him wear short-sleeves. High 65 degrees tomorrow, 35 by Saturday. Where else does the temperature jump around like that besides here? Anyone know? And it never fails... turn the tv to the weather forecast and listen to them talk about "Normal" temps for this time of year. I think Average would be a better word because we never have "Normal". It seems like we are always 20 degrees below or above "Normal" so I'd like to know how they decided what was normal anyway.
Well, time for me to hit the hay.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
While in the neighborhood, I mosied over to OshKosh and picked up a few things on clearance including some jeans for Callie. Callie's clothes are getting too small and she just can't understand why they're getting too tight. I tell her it is because she is 13 and is not done growing yet.
Well, it's late and church comes early in the morning so nighty-night for now.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Tomorrow, Jan. 5, at 11:00am CST/12:00am EST is hug JuJu day. JuJu is Julian Avery, a 4-year old boy in Texas who is dying from brain cancer. Go to and visit carepage juliansworld to meet Juju and his mother who journals regularly about Julian.
After sending up a Juju hug, turn around and hug your children and thank God for every minute that you have with them. And keep Julian and his family in your prayers.
And please remember Kate in your prayers as she heads into some very aggressive radiation and chemo since her cancer has relapsed. She is a Little Seed (Sean's preschool).
Reading about Julian, Kate, Ethan.... makes me care much less about how messy the house is or whether laundry is caught up... it makes me want to sit with my kids with a book, or play a game with them or just watch them play or sleep. I have read many words by these parents and they still have their eyes on the Father. They hurt and they know where their help comes from. If you've never heard the song below, it says it all.
This dryer is probably a good thing. The door opens down instead of to the side so when I throw laundry across the room from the washer, if I miss, it will land on the door instead of the floor. That's a plus. And another thing is the lent thingy. It is on the top. So that means we have to keep the top uncluttered which gives me someplace to put folded laundry when I take it out.
The only bad thing is the dryer is white. Our other one was kind of a beige. The white one looks great but it makes the walls look like they need fresh paint. Kind of like the wonderful new paint in the foyer and hallways makes me want to replace the flooring tomorrow.
This week taught me to be thankful for those things I normally take for granted like washers and dryers and water and electricity. Take time today to be thankful for things that are important to you.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
We've been working around here. Some rooms are beginning to look more organized and less cluttered. Foyer and hallways are painted a new color. I will post pictures sometime later. Our dryer died over the weekend and our new one should be in tomorrow. In the meantime, I have only washed a few things and hung them up around the house. Luckily I was somewhat caught up on laundry before it died.
It is cold cold cold and getting colder as we speak so I have to run to keep moving things around in our unheated laundry room to make way for dryer before tomorrow night and to move things in our family room so we can use the space heater tomorrow since our fireplace man (Jeff) will be back at work. This room can get really cold being on the lower level next to unheated garage and laundry room. So, adios for now.